Monday, March 29, 2010

The Smiths Came to Town...

...and we ate...

...and we drank

and were merry...

Brooke and I did a little interpretive dance to some Elton John after doing the dishes.

We skied as a group one day. Another day Josh took his sister Brooke and Bro-in-law Dave to do some out-of-bounds goodness, while I cruised groomers with Josh's dad, Bob. We put Annie (4) and James (6) in ski school and they LOVED every second of it. Barb (Josh's mom) and Brooke and I went shopping in town one day, while the boys played pool. Elu was very good with the little ones, Annie especially loved Elu- and Elu Annie. I didn't take very many pictures, as it turns out I'm a terrible photographer =). Brooke and Bob were on top of their photo-taking, so maybe I'll be able to snag some from them.

The Smith family is a lot of fun! I was quite worn out when they left, but in a good way!!

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